Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mea Culpa

I've been a bit slack and I'm sorry, but that horrible beast known as real life has intruded into my schedule. My daughter has joined the middle school band this year and has remained in the choir. That's a whole other commitment for her, and I think that nurturing her actual creativity takes precedence over analyzing the efforts of other people.

That said, I'll be writing about the Doctor Who finale as a three-part whole, and I'm working on a first-impressions piece about the new TV season. So far the verdict is: Chuck, yes; Bionic Woman and Life, meh. My Name is Earl appears to be holding steady and the funniest show on television, Smallville, is back to its wacky hijinks. What, it's a drama?

Went to the movies and saw Rocket Science. Quick read: interesting, shows great promise for Jeffrey Blitz, but overrated and too self-consciously "quirky" by half. This year's Napoleon Dynamite.

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